Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Flat Stanley

This cute little girl is doing Flat Stanley at her school. Since my life is not super exciting - and because I had some spare time last night - I played around with Flat Stanley in Photoshop.

I'm pretty sure she won't be able to use these pics for her presentation, but I think I'm pretty funny.

This next one made me laugh out loud.

That Stanley is so funny - oui oui!

I clearly need a new hobby.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Freeway Casanova

Yes, that really happened.

I was driving home from Lava Hot Springs when this little event happened. It was so unexpected and I was caught way off guard. So much, in fact, that it took me a minute to get the passenger window down. Pretty embarrassing.

And, I totally lied and told him I was married.

I get freaked out about complete strangers thinking I'm some lonely single girl heading home to my empty house. It makes me feel like an easy target.

Besides, what would he have done if I had told him I was single? "Pull over baby. Let's see if we have something!"  Lying was the only thing I could think of.

