Monday, May 26, 2014

All In Good Time

When I was in the MTC in Madrid, Spain in February 2000, my district and I went to a sword shop on one of our Pdays. It was a really cool shop and I actually wanted to buy a sword but a) didn't have the money and b) what would I do with a sword? They were so cool though. I found a knife that I knew my dad would love, so I bought it for him.

This was pre-9/11 so there weren't many restrictions with traveling with a knife - at least in my checked bag, and I carried it with me (not day-to-day stuff but) on all transfers for the next 17 months. I would take it out of my suitcase often to look at it and I was so excited to give it to my dad as soon as I got home. I was positive he would love it.

When it was time to fly home, I was a ball of emotions. I was so excited to get home - to see family and friends and do normal things, but was so sad to leave the Canary Islands and the life and family I had there. Plus, I loved being a missionary. Even though the work was super difficult, I loved the challenge and the blessings that came with it. With layovers and flying time, I travelled for a full 24 hours (Las Palmas to Madrid to New York to Salt Lake to Hailey, Idaho) and was beyond exhausted when I finally landed at home. My whole family was there and it was so great to see them.

I don't remember much of the first couple of days I was home. I have never been that exhausted. I do remember getting out all of the gifts I had brought home for my family and laying them out on the floor, excited to give them to each person. I quickly realized that I had forgotten to get my brother-in-law Craig anything, so I re-arranged stuff and ended up giving him the knife I had gotten for my dad.

What just happened?

He was so excited and has treasured that knife ever since. I gave my dad some stupid little box. I am not sad that Craig got the knife because he loves it but I have been sad - for 13 years that I gave my dad a stupid box. I haven't ever said anything about it but knew that I had to make it right...someday.

And that day was 2 days ago.

The stars aligned when Jordan and David announced that they were going to spend 5 weeks this Spring in Europe (I know, their lives are completely different than mine) and that Madrid was going to be one of their first stops. I immediately told them that I did not care how much is cost, but that they had to get a knife and send it to me so I could give it to my dad. Well, this beauty arrived a couple of days ago:

It's so pretty!

Jordan said she met the owner of the shop who had made this knife by hand. It's beautiful Spanish steel and fits in the leather pouch perfectly. I love it so much that I want to keep it!

I was so excited! My parents came to Utah this weekend so the timing was perfect. I gave it to my dad 2 days ago and he loves it. He even put it on his belt yesterday - just when we were at home. He's such a dork.

I am so glad it worked out. But, now Cade wants one so I'll have to remember that the next time I'm in Madrid.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Final Weigh-In

The Biggest Loser competition has officially come to an end.

I have mixed feelings about it. I am glad that I don't have to feel so much pressure (and guilt) about everything I do and don't do regarding nutrition and exercise, but it was nice to be motivated to work hard and keep things in check.

But, the best part of this whole competition - besides the positive changes to my health, appearance and well-being, is the closeness I feel with my team. I am so lucky to work with these ladies, but more so to be friends with them. They are incredibly supportive and encouraging. It's so awesome that when I get frustrated and/or discouraged, all of them jump to make me feel better and keep me moving forward.

Also, I don't know how I've lived without Mike in my life. He is seriously so awesome. Yes, I complain to and about him a lot, but I am so grateful that he pushes me and has faith in me. It means a lot. There are actually 2 Mikes. Cool guy, funny Mike and Trainer Mike. They are very, very different individuals. He is normally super funny, smiley, huggy (yes, especially when we are super smelly and sweaty - it's gross) but when it's time to train, he is the devil.

"Mike, I can't breathe."

"That's okay, I know CPR. Keep moving."

"Mike, I can't physically do one more push-up/squat/lunge/lap/bleacher. I am going to pass out/throw-up/die."

"You're fine. Keep moving."

On Thursday, we were all suffering through an intense ab circuit on the grass at the track. We could do any ab workout of our choice but we had to do it for like 100 hours. It was torture - literally.

"I don't care. Keep moving."

My girls are so funny. If I wasn't in such intense pain and under Mike's watchful eye, I would just be laughing the whole time. 

Wait, that's an ab workout, right?!

At one point all of the girls were grunting and moaning. It was so hilarious. I said, "Man, it sounds like we are at a birthing center!"

And Mike broke his somber character and actually laughed.

I will chalk that up as a win because he never comes out of Trainer Mike mode when we're working out. And I have no idea how he stays so serious. We have to look so ridiculous all of the time that he should be laughing the whole time he's with us.

So, the final weigh-in was yesterday. I worked hard this last month but didn't do anything super crazy. I did pretty well with nutrition and worked out a lot. I could have done more, but I did okay...and, I lost 11 more pounds. Hooray! We weighed in at 9 am but didn't get the final results/standings until last night at the celebratory BBQ. Most of the contestants did really well - some cheated and lost a ton of weight by doing Medifast and other diets/cleanses so I didn't get in the top 5. Actually, I was 1oth, but that's okay. Overall, I lost a total of 10.8% so that's a win in my book.

And, I'm just getting started.

And, you guys, guess what I did today?! First, I need to share that I am NOT a runner. I have never, ever, ever enjoyed running, jogging or really anything faster than a brisk walk. It's just not fun for me. Not even one time in my whole life.

It's not only NOT fun, but it's painful.

I'm supposed to be doing 45 minutes of cardio every day that I don't train with Mike. This has not been going super well for me. I need to be better about making the time and finding motivation. I need to start getting up at 5 am...but I like sleep so much! It is getting lighter earlier, so that helps, but it's still so hard.

Well, this morning, I got up at the early hour of 9 am (I heart Saturdays) and jumped dragged my lazy body to the treadmill. After I pulled off all the laundry and other misc items, I plugged her in and got started. I walked for 5 minutes (3.5), then JOGGED for...

...Drumroll please...

15 minutes!

Did you hear me? FIFTEEN MINUTES! I know, I know, that's like no time for all you runners and in-shape people, but it's HUGE for us recovering couch/potato chip/Mountain Dew addicts.


Okay, it was a slow jog at 4.2 mph but I have never even slow jogged for that long without stopping. A couple of weeks ago, I barely made it 5 minutes and stopped for fear that I would fly off the treadmill and smash all the items in my hoarding room/office and break a hip.

15 minutes!

And, the best part is that I wasn't completely blasted after the 15 mins. I was able to walk at a brisk pace at an incline for another 35 minutes.

It's pretty exciting.

When I told Brianne and Erica, they immediately started planning a 5k. Oookay, let's not get ahead of ourselves. One accomplishment at a time, please.

Speaking of Erica and Brianne...they BOTH made it in the top 5 winners. I am so proud of them!

Go Pink Team!

And, I'll leave you with this gem 'cuz I love you.

You're welcome.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Need For Speed

Last night, my best little bro (aka, my current roommate) and I went to a great movie, Need For Speed. It's the 2nd time I've seen it. I really, really like it and knew Cade would too.

He was not disappointed. And, it was just as good the second time as it was the first. (The main character, Aaron Paul is super hot - and he's from Idaho, which makes him even more attractive).

I think it's his deep, deep voice. It's very sexy.

Anyhoo, so the movie is great and we got out of the theater a little after 9 pm. We saw it in Provo and we each had our own car, so Cade followed me home. We were driving south on University Ave and we were both in the right lane. It was dark and there wasn't much traffic. When I got to the CVS Pharmacy right by Bulldog Ave, I noticed a large black F150 on Bulldog about to turn right onto University. I was just about to the intersection, going 40 mph and this tool bag pulled out right in front of me.

Cade and I were the only 2 cars within eyesight coming south. It was completely unnecessary and he didn't even pull into the left lane. Nope, right in front of me and I was basically already in the intersection.

It's possible that I was driving a little more aggressively than usual since I had just spent the prior 2.5 hours watching a pretty intense racing movie. But regardless, he pulled right in front of me so, I honked at him as I changed lanes and went around him (I would like the record to show that I did not flip him off). As I passed him, he honked right back at me.

This immediately showed me that he has the maturity level of a spoiled 7th grade brat who's daddy bought him a nice black truck. After he honked at me, he pulled into the lane behind me and got right on my butt. Like super duper close.

Wow. He's a complete winner.

I drive a Beetle which is a very little car. He was in a big F150 that was lifted so his headlights were right at the level of my mirrors and, as a bonus, he turned his brights on.

Excuse the french but he was a complete ass.

Seriously. Coolest guy award definitely goes to him.

What a creep. I switched back to the right lane and he quickly switched lanes and was basically touching my rear bumper at the next stoplight. Good times. I might have been a little worried about my safety, but Cade was close so I knew that I at least had a witness if this guy tried to hurt me or follow me home.

I didn't act bothered at all. In fact, I didn't do anything to indicate that I knew he existed. After the light turned green and we started to go, I noticed that Cade changed lanes and pulled up beside the A-hole. When he had gotten right next to him, I sped up and as soon as he had room, he cut the guy completely off and pulled in front of him - between the 2 of us.

Cade is a total rock star.

There was a little more traffic at this point so I was able to get ahead of them a ways. Plus, Cade slowed way down and straddled the line so D-bag (sorry, I never say that but I'm running out of things to call him) couldn't pass him. I kept watching just to make sure Cade didn't get shot, but I kept my distance.

I was too far ahead to really know what happened, but Cade later told me that the guy was yelling all sorts of profanities out the window at him and honking, with his brights on the whole time. They drove all the way through Provo like that until the stupid kid turned into the Provo Towne Center Mall in south Provo.

What a loser. The best part is that he was actually wearing a wife beater. Keep it classy dude.

Am I worried that he will find me and stab me in my sleep? Yeah, a little. But, I'm pretty sure you can't find someone's address with their license plate number. And even if you can, I don't think this guy's smart enough to figure it out.

I sure hope not anyway.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Senior Pix

Today, I got to hang out with and take pictures of the most adorable little lady. She could seriously be a model. I've only edited a few of the pictures, but here are some of my favorites!

So far.

I have a feeling that I will have many more favorites.

Isn't she gorgeous? She's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.

It was absolutely the perfect storm of great lighting, awesome locations and a very beautiful girl to photograph.