Monday, September 29, 2014

This Made My Whole Day...

...maybe my whole week.

Nope, this definitely made my whole month!

I was on the phone at work when someone slipped this card on my desk. 

Super cute, huh?

What was written on the inside is one of the best things anyone has ever said to me.

It's from my dear, sweet friend Marla who I haven't even talked to in way too long.

I have been smiling about this all day long.

She is such a sweetheart.

And, it definitely reminds me that I need to stay in touch with people better and tell them how important they are to me and specific ways they make me better.

Thanks, Marla. You are so sweet.

And, challenge accepted. I will be better at telling people what they mean to me.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The 'Rents

I got to hang out with my cute parents this past weekend.

I really hit the parent lottery.

They are the best.

Aren't they adorable?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

21st Anniversary

Today marks the 21st anniversary of my big car accident when I was hurt really bad and in a coma for almost 2 weeks. I need to put together a complete post (someday) that explains the whole scary experience. One day soon, I hope.

I just want to say that I am grateful that my time on earth wasn't over 21 years ago. I am so thankful that I get to be here with my friends and family and for all of the adventures - both good and bad - that life has to offer.

I am so blessed.

I got to spend the day with my mom, grandma and aunt Launa and we had a great day.

This is my cute Grandma Fern. She is 93-years-old and is the sweetest, most loving woman I know. I'm so glad I got to hang out with her today. We talked a lot and I painted her fingernails. It was a good day.

My Aunt Launa just found out she has colon cancer and starts treatment tomorrow. I am praying hard for her quick recovery.

* * *

I have been the laziest gardner in the world this summer and haven't weeded my front flower beds even once. However, out of my laziness, grew some pretty beautiful (volunteer) sunflowers. They make me happy.

(I apologize in advance for the embarrassing display of sunflower cheer that is about to ensue).

Happy Fall!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Disappearing Act

So, it's been well-documented on this blog that I worry a lot.

About anything and everything.

Especially, about stupid things that I have zero control over. I know that worrying is completely senseless and that it has no bearing over the ultimate outcome of anything, but I can't seem to locate the worry switch in my brain and turn it off.

But, heaven knows, I'll keep trying.

There are a lot of things to worry about when you live alone. I won't list them because it's late and I'm scared of the dark and I'm exhausted (staying up till 3:30 this morning seemed like a good idea at the time) and I need to sleep all night tonight and not lay awake worrying about things I cannot control, so I'll save the list for another time.

So, the other week, I was reading an article on KSL about a lady who had been found in her home weeks after she passed away. I honestly can't really think of anything more disturbing. How sad for the person who found her...and, how sad for that poor lady that she didn't have anyone close enough to miss her for that long.

So, as I typically do, I applied this sad story to my life. I live alone and I am really good at disappearing - occasionally, for days at a time. Honestly, if I'm working on a project or not feeling well, or if I'm mad at someone (of course, that never happens), I will go the whole weekend without talking to another soul.

I went camping last night with some friends (hence, the late night). It was so much fun - and a much-needed getaway. The aforementioned KSL article came up at one point, and I just commented that I have wondered how long it would take for someone to discover me if I died at home.

I was not trying to be morbid.
I was not trying to get attention.
I am not suicidal or expecting to die anytime soon.
I was not trying to get sympathy.
I was not trying to make anyone feel bad.

My friends all laughed at my silliness and promised they will check in with me every couple of days just to make sure my corpse isn't rotting in some random corner of my home.

That's all I needed. Just a little reassurance.

I just got this text from my bestie Amber:

Yep, she knows me. I am not always the best at returning texts and/or phone calls but I am trying to be better.

She also knows that since I stayed up so late last night that I am already in bed.

At 9:30.

On a Saturday night.

I am such a party animal.

She's a good friend to have around...for this, and because I'm also pretty positive she would help me move a body if the need arose without asking a lot of questions...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Perfect Storm

Yesterday was a rough day.

It felt like my life was falling down all around me. I was definitely getting hit from all sides. I was overly emotional all day and couldn't really figure out why...

...till I left work early (in tears) with a temperature of 102.

So, of course, everything was magnified by about 1,000 because I was sick - on top of being stressed, sad and worried. Nothing major is happening in my life, but I'm not handling even the minor bumps too well right now.

It was the perfect storm of suckiness.

{Plus, I kind of get tired of fighting all my battles by myself sometimes, you know? (So, yes, on top of all the other things I mentioned, I was having a 'woah is single Cali' day too)}.

Basically, I was a mess. I went home early from work, skipped my workout (I was in no condition to do any of that), silenced my phone and slept for 3 full - glorious - hours. It was actually really nice. But, sadly, when I woke up, I wasn't feeling any better so I took some Tylenol PM and went right back to bed - and slept for another 9 hours.

And, you know what? When I woke up this morning, I felt great - at least physically. Hallelujah. Onward and upward.

So, today, I have been thinking a lot about perspective and getting out of my current funk. I'm no stranger to tough times. Everyone has them. This is what we signed up for. 

Being sick is no fun.
People disappoint.
Work is stressful.
All relationships take work.
Church service is time-consuming and not always convenient.
Cars break down.
The mortgage has to be paid every single month.
Happiness can't be based on the actions of others.
People disappoint (did I already say that?)

The frustrating part for me is that, most days, I can handle all of this, no problem. But, there are other days - like yesterday - that call for a breakdown.

And, that's okay. I guess.

A good friend posted this on Facebook today.

Well said, dear friend. I needed to be reminded to be more grateful for my life because it is pretty great.

I guess that's the secret.

I also love this next quote:

As a reward for surviving yesterday, I bought the movie The Fault In Our Stars. It's a really great movie (and even better book) but I think I might wait a few days to watch it since Jordan and I hiccup sobbed through most of the movie in the theater a few weeks ago.

Really good but really, really sad.

I think my tear ducts need a break :)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Almost Lost

Man, it's tough stuff keeping up with multiple blogs. For the 2 people who still follow this blog (hi mom and Amelia!), I am so sorry.

A couple of weeks ago, my workout girls and I did the IVF 5k in Salt Lake and it was so fun. Go here to read all about it.

(I just made a new watermark for our cupcake's sad that I'm so excited about it, huh?)

This is what it looks like on a black background:

(Yes, I am a graphic design dork - I'm okay with it. Look how adorable the cupcake is!)

Anyhoo, back to my story...

This is us at the starting line. We had a really good time.

We stayed the night before at the Hyatt by The Gateway and laughed a lot. These girls are crazy!

(At one point someone - Brianne - suggested that we all take off our bras and line them up on the bed...and, the most shocking part is that we all did it, without hesitation. Shades of 7th grade slumber parties for sure!)

Why not post the photo, right?

Keeping it classy, as always.

The worst part of the whole bra thing is that B stole my phone and texted the pic to trainer Mike to see if he could match up the bra to the owner - beyond embarrassing! Thankfully, I was able to delete the message before he read it.

(not really sure what's going on with Rae - bottom right. Maybe she got drunk for the race?! Brianne - top - is looking a little confused too...)

So, the real reason for this post is to talk about what else happened that weekend. My cute sister-in-law brought my adorable niece to surprise me at the finish line.

AND, she brought us all medals which were so awesome!!

Right after the race, we had to rush back to the hotel and pack up all our crap in order to check out on time. My s-i-l and niece came back with us to hang out for a few minutes and when they had to leave, I walked them down to their car to say good-bye. I didn't know what time it was, but after they left, I noticed all the girls in the parking lot. They packed up all my stuff for me and checked out.

I'm so glad I have people around to take care of me.

We loaded up and headed home. I went on with life as normal until the next day when I got in my car to go somewhere and reached for my sunglasses but they weren't in their normal spot.

What the crud?

I hate losing things! Not that there are many people who do like losing things, but I was pretty mad. I bought these sunglasses in St Louis like 4 years ago and they are - hands down - my very favorite sunglasses, ever and I was pretty certain that I had left them in the hotel room and the girls didn't notice them when they packed up to leave.

I called the hotel and had them look, but they couldn't find them. Of course not. They are Oakleys and I was sure the cleaning lady was super pumped to have some new shades.

Needless to say, I was really bummed.

Actually, I was in mourning - literally - for 4 days.

Here is my cute nephew modeling my sunglasses a couple of months ago (coincidently when I went to St Louis to visit).

Yes, I'm obsessed with watermarks now. Leave me alone.

Super cute kid and awesome sunglasses.

It surprised me how sad I was to lose them. I went online and to the mall to try to find the same ones, or ones like them but didn't have any luck.

I know that things really shouldn't make me happy, but I sure missed them a lot.

The next Thursday, we were all at the gym just getting ready to start our workout when Brianne came up to me and told me to close my eyes. I hesitated because - as much as I love all my girls (and Mike), I don't really trust them enough to close my eyes, but I eventually did.

And...guess what?! She found my beloved sunglasses!!

(In her car. I must have taken them to the race, then decided not to wear them).


High fives all around the kitchen, for sure!

And, now that I know they are irreplaceable - and that I can't possibly live without them, I am taking super good care of them.