Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tiny Spicy Chicken

One of the things I miss most about living in Logan is Tiny Spicy Chicken. I can't even remember the name of the restaurant, but it was some hole-in-the-wall Chinese place and I used to order Tiny Spicy Chicken a-la-carte for $6.95 and it would last for 3 meals.

I haven't had it in 6.5 years and I miss it!

So, I was feeling super adventurous the other day and thought I would just whip up a batch.

No big deal, right?

Well, it was a bigger deal than I thought. It took me just over 3 hours and I was so exhausted by the time it got done that I didn't enjoy it as much as I would have had I just hit the drive-thru.

Oh, AND, it was fast Sunday, so I didn't know it would take so long and I held off eating so that it would taste really, really good.

It was really good, but I was so tired - and starving that I didn't savor it as much as I should have. Good thing it's pretty good left-over too.

Hopefully I can get faster at making it or find a recipe that doesn't take so painfully long.

OR, find a restaurant in Utah County that has it on their menu. :)

I got the recipe here. It says it only takes 1.5 hours - but that's a lie!!

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