Thursday, July 18, 2013

"Healthy" Cookies

I just made chocolate chip cookies made with beans.

Really, I did.

I'm trying to eat better. I haven't had fast food in 3 weeks which is a pretty big accomplishment for me. I mean, it's such a pain to have to cook every single meal. Plus, cooking for one person gets annoying because I have to eat whatever I cook for a quite a few days. Also, I think a lot of times eating out (for one person) is cheaper than buying all the ingredients to cook. Besides, when if I try something new and it's a complete bust (aka: a Pinterest fail), then I have all these random ingredients hanging around that I'll probably never use again.

Anyway, I am trying to be healthier...and I feel better. I'm eating a whole lot more fruits and vegetables and I can totally tell a difference in how I feel which is pretty awesome.

I had to do it in baby steps. I stopped (except for my bday weekend) drinking Mountain Dew (and all other soda) in February and it was very interesting that just that step helped me to not hit the drive-thru so often. I noticed such a huge difference immediately. I slept better, so was able to get up easier and I just had more energy in general. It's not rocket science, I know, but I was really surprised that it was such an immediate improvement. Most things in life don't work like that.

I'm not going to do a marathon or anything like that anytime soon, but I feel better, so that's what really matters. I have also started doing yoga. I just do Jillian Michaels DVD in the privacy of my living room and, sure, I spend probably 1/2 of the workout face down on my bright pink yoga mat just trying not to throw up, but I'm starting to feel stronger.

So, back to the white bean cookies: I have been really excited to make them for a few days. It's taken about a week to carve out time to bust them out (I'm currently feeling super overwhelmed!) and I finally was able to make them tonight. I've always had a little crush on Rocco Dispirito.

He's pretty adorable.

Anyway, I was flipping through the channels the other day and caught the end of one of his shows where he was demonstrating this triple chocolate cookies that looked pretty awesome. I knew right away that I was up for the challenge.

So, I whipped up a batch tonight and...

...they were....

....well....not really that great, to be honest.

A little disappointing.

In fact, I think they'll end up in the trash. They are made with 1.5 cups of artificial sweetener and I think that's what ruins it for me. I can't really stand the after-taste of it. I was hoping that the beans and cocoa would mask the taste enough, but they do not.

Here's my cookie failure journey in pictures:

Well, part of the journey anyway. I have so much going on right now that I'm suffering from a severe case of A.D.D. so I'm easily distracted and basically forget what I'm doing. In fact, this post has taken me over 3 hours.

While I've been doing this I have made cookies, edited photos, talked to my sister on the phone for 2 hours and worked on crafts for Super Saturday. Oh, and made address labels for a friend. AND, moved all of my photos from my iPhone to my computer.

It sounds like I'm super productive, but I'm not. I just have a lot of unfinished stuff laying around. My living room literally looks like a craft bomb exploded but it'll just have to wait because I am exhausted and going to bed.

Great, now I have heartburn. Those cookies are from the devil!

Rocco, you are in big trouble...