Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Big News!!!

Best. News. Ever!

Jordan and David are having a baby!


I am so excited for them.

The baby is coming in August...and they are moving to California in September.

Major bummer.

Here's to getting lots and lots of sky miles!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

I Win

The other morning, I went into the kitchen at work where I ran into my pal Collin.

His back was to me and when he turned around, I saw that he was shoveling a huge piece of chocolate cake into his mouth.

He had the plate right up next to his chin and was literally shoving it into his face as fast as he could.

It was 9:30 in the morning.

Collin is a pretty fit guy. He does Crossfit a few times a week and takes pretty good care of himself. We talk a lot about fitness and nutrition and check up on each other to make sure we are keeping up with our health.

He clearly did not expect for me to catch him loving on some chocolate cake for breakfast.

Totally busted!!

He immediately started yelling, "Oh my gosh! I am totally telling Mike that you had a HUGE piece of cake for breakfast! You are going to be in so much trouble!"

Really dude?

This is how we're going to play?!

First of all, you don't even know Mike.

(and, for the record, Collin is super jealous that Mike is the #1 black man in our lives)

oh, AND secondly, of course I didn't eat chocolate cake for breakfast!

< < I really didn't have any, but if I had, no one would know about it because I am super stealth because I know that Mike has eyes everywhere > >

Is it an eating disorder if I hide away when I eat bad food? 

So, in order to guarantee Collin's silence, I swung by his cube, snapped a quick incognito photo and took to Photoshop to teach him a lesson.

And, that lesson is this: she who knows Photoshop always wins.


(For the record, I know this is a horribly chop-shopped display of Photoshop skill and I am embarrassed to even post it, but we all got a good laugh so I wanted to share).

Guess What?

I suck at blogging. That's what.

I really miss it.

Hopefully, I can make it a habit again.

It's tulip time once again and I couldn't be happier. My parents were in town last weekend (hooray!) and we were driving down 9th East in Provo when I spotted a flowerbed full of beautiful tulips.


We were stopped at a stoplight...in the inside lane. I was in the backseat, in the middle (with my feet on the hump - lol). I made a quick decision, grabbed my camera, made David jump out (he was on the opposite side of the car from the flowers), I jumped out, ran around the car, across two lanes of traffic (frogger-ing through the other cars stopped at the light), then across another side street, just to get the following pics (plus 150 more):

I think it was worth every ounce of danger. Tulips make me so happy!

Hooray for spring!!