Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Flex For Me

Look! My bicep is just about as big as Mike's.


My dad sent me this text when he saw this picture.

He's so funny.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Harley Ride

I got to go to Idaho for the 4th of July weekend.

I need to go home more often. It's a pretty cool place. I got to go on a Harley ride with my best dad.

It was so fun.

He's pretty cool!

Out of My Comfort Zone

Erica, Brianne and I have started a new blog.

We are pretty excited, but also very nervous. There's something so scary about putting yourself out there for everyone to see. We shared the link with all of our Facebook friends and a few friends shared it with their friends, so it's out! Every guy I've ever dated, every friend from the past, everyone I knew from high school...they all know the ins and outs of my weight loss journey thus far.

Here's to being accountable (to the whole wide world)!